Adult Sunday School

Sunday morning Christian education doesn't stop when your graduate from high school.  It's a life-long process.  Here are a few of the options you may enjoy as an adult during the Sunday School hour.

  • Narrative Lectionary Discussion

    Sundays after worship, in the library. 

    The Narrative Lectionary, developed at Luther Seminar in St. Paul, is a chronological approach to studying scripture beginning with Genesis and progressing sequentially through the old and new testaments. The class meets in the Library each Sunday about 11:15. The format is an interactive, participatory discussion led by a facilitator using the reading, commentary and additional insights from scholarly sources such as the texts used in the Synod’s Parish Lay Ministry Academy (PLMA). Everyone is invited and encouraged to participate in the discussion or simply listen, if they choose. Preparation is not required. (Although it will enhance your experience.) So, get a cup of coffee and a pastry and join us at 11:15. We look forward to seeing you.

    View the Narrative Lectionary HERE.

    Contact Bruce Fisher