The Congregation Council of Resurrection are here to help you. Feel free to contact us at any time.
Congregation Council
Bruce Fisher - President
Pat, and I have been members of RLC for 46 years. We have raised our two children here and two of our four grandchildren have been raised here. Over the course of 46 years I’ve had many different opportunities to serve God and RLC and I have been privileged to have served in several leadership roles including: Council President, (I’m currently serving my tenth term); Vice President; Chair, Strategic Planning Team; Chair, Stewardship Team; Chair, Search/Call committee; Chair, Nominating committee; and adult Sunday school leader; as well as serving on many other committees, task forces and in individual contributor roles such as Stephen Minister; Council Member-at-Large; and Synod Assembly Delegate. I currently serve on the NT-NL Synod Council representing RLC and the Dallas Area Metro North Mission conference, a position I will continue to hold until my term expires in 2027.
Term Expires December 2025
Kathy Barrett - Vice President
I have been a member of Resurrection since 1987. During my many years of membership, I have served as an usher; been on the Women of RLC board as coordinating secretary, program chair, and president; served on the board of the School Supply Project and as a Stephen Minister Leader. I have also served on the Congregational Council as a liaison to the then ARK preschool and over the past two years as vice-president and chairman of the Stewardship Committee. A retired elementary school counselor, I am active in the community as a member of the Plano Retired Teachers Association and perform as a puppeteer for the Kids Count Players, a volunteer group of the Collin County Children's Advocacy Center which presents puppet shows throughout Collin County for children in kindergarten through second grade on child abuse awareness. I feel very blessed to have my RLC family!
Term Expires December 2025
Beth Smith - Secretary
I am a life-long Lutheran and have been a member of Resurrection Lutheran since 1977 when I moved here from Overland Park, Kansas. Originally from Iowa, my family moved to Kansas when I was a Sophomore in high school. I have a BA In Modern Languages from Kansas State University and a MA in German Education from the University of Kansas, I was fortunate to have a Fulbright scholarship to study in Germany which inspired me to take my students often to study in Germany and Austria. I retired in 2012 after 42 years of teaching German. I have enjoyed retirement immensely and used my time to travel when I am not doing volunteer work. I sing in the choir, am a Stephen Minister, a lay assisting minister and I help with confirmation. I am proud to be one of the Bingo callers for the Women of RLC at Quilt Bingo. I am blessed to live near my daughter and her family and grateful we are all able to attend church together.
Term Expires December 2025
Sallie Diamond - Liaison for Ancillary Ministries
My husband and I moved with our son and daughter to Plano in March of 2000. In May we became involved in Troop 1000 which has been chartered by RLC since the church opened. We began attending church services and became active in various projects and activities, helping wherever we could. I became a committee member, committee chairman, and then charter organization representative of the Boy Scout troop. When Crew 1000 started, I became committee chair of the crew. I was also involved in starting Troop 3000 this past February 2019. At this time, I am the charter organization representative for Troop 1000, Crew 1000, Pack 1225, and Troop 3000. I continue to hold the position of Youth Protection Champion for the Chisholm Trail District of Circle Ten Council and have been training committee chairman. I am a Red Cross instructor, climbing instructor, and have attended and staffed on various Wood Badge leadership courses. Rick and I became members of the church and started helping with the youth groups and confirmation. I have received the Lutheran Servant to Youth medal and the Lutheran Lamb Award. I currently help with Sunday school sixth-eighth grade, confirmation, and RALLY. In August 2000, I started working for Plano ISD at Brinker Elementary School in the special education department as a para-professional. In 2003 I received my special education teacher certification. I currently teach a structured teach classroom working with a variety of students. Rick and I have decided that Plano will be our permanent home in retirement. I look forward to serving Resurrection and attracting new members to our wonderful congregation.
Term Expires December 2025
Amy GEbrian - Liaison for Worship Ministries
I joined Resurrection in 2003 and have enjoyed serving as Council Secretary this year. I have also served on past Resurrection church councils as an At-Large member and as Treasurer. Outside of my council experiences, I serve as an assisting minister and am a member of the Worship Team. I also participate as an offering counter a few months out of the year. Outside of church, I am a product manager by profession and enjoy travelling, skiing, hiking, and socializing with friends. I am mom to two four-legged babies - kitties, Max and Brooklynn. I look forward to serving another year on the council in the Worship position and seeing Resurrection thrive in the future!
Term Expires December 2025
Katherine Bandy - Liaison for Learn Ministries
I was born in central Illinois into a military family so we lived in several places before settling in Wichita Falls, Texas for my high school years. I did my undergraduate work at Augustana College (Rock Island, Illinois). I have a graduate degree in European History from Northwestern University. I was employed at National Bankruptcy Services in Dallas for 35 years in various positions, including Bankruptcy Department Administrative Manager. I retired in 2020.
I joined Resurrection Lutheran Church in 1986. My two grown sons went through confirmation and began Boy Scouts here in Troop 1000. Some time ago I served on the RLC church council and on the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod Council. I previously served on the RLC Human Resources Committee. I am a member of the group that arranges for receptions following funerals held at Resurrection. I also had the privilege during the last two years of being an assistant teacher for several adult Sunday School classes.
Term Expires December 2026